Thursday, October 31, 2019

Case Study#1 Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

#1 - Case Study Example In the state of Florida, it can be found out that most of the wildlife has been safeguarded by one or the other law. Such laws of Florida have been enacted by the governments at the various level including local, regional, state or federal (Schaefer, Tucker & McGurie, â€Å"Laws that Protect Florida’s Wildlife†). The other law regarding that of two weeks counselling prior to marriage, for the interracial couples, has been enacted for the best interest of the couple. As, the involved individuals in such marriages are often from a very different cultural and economic background, so it can be identified that such counselling would help the future husband and wife to know each other better. Though it seems that the both the law statutes have been enacted for the greater good of the society, one to reduce the pollution content and save the ecological balance by protecting the extinct species of blood and the other contributing towards post marriage harmony but one might not like the statutes. The person travelling from outside the state of Minnesota might feel that he has to incur extra cost in lieu of pollution resistant device in his vehicle. The interracial couple can also have reservations as they are adult and the state can not impose them the counselling sessions. In such cases, the affected parties might appeal to the higher court of law i.e. the court of appeal. If the legislation permits, they can also appeal to the apex court i.e. the Supreme Court. As discussed earlier, the law of the land should not impose certain statutes upon the mature adults. If any of the individual decided to choose upon his life partner, who happens to be from a different race, the legalities of the nation should not compel him to have mandatory counselling session for two weeks. As matured individual adults, they have the right to get married to the person they want to. Also, it is very hurting

Monday, October 28, 2019

Three Events That Changed America Essay Example for Free

Three Events That Changed America Essay The United States has changed a lot since its â€Å"Birth† in 1776. The United States changed for better or worse from The Great Depression, The Vietnam War, and The Attacks of 9/11. These life altering events formed America with tragedy, and destruction. Being the land of the free and the home of the brave. We rose up stronger and with hope. That’s what makes America great. The Great Depression all started when the stock’s value started to plummet with no hope of recovery (Black Tuesday), people started to panic. Everyone who owned stock was trying to sell, but no one was willing to buy. This caused the stock market to suffer even more. The Stock Market Crash was only the beginning. Almost all the banks at this time put their clients’ money into the stock market. When the stock market crashed, this made the banks go bankrupt. When news got around, anyone who had money in the bank was immediately withdrawing all the money they could. All the money being taken out caused any bank left to close permanently. The Great Depression had such a huge impact on the way America is today because it destroyed our economy. We were forced to grow together as a country and rebuild. I think Dennis Hastert says it best â€Å"What makes America great is that we can come together during times of national tragedy†. The Great Depression also change how we run our banks. The government now has a program in place called FDIC Insurance. They will insure you for up to 250,000 per insured bank account. The fee is included in your normal taxes. This was put in place because of the Great Depression. â€Å"The Vietnam War† At the end of World War II Military and Political tensions between the USSR (Russia) and the US greatly increased. Communism in the USSR presented itself as a big threat to the US’s national security. Fearing that the Communism would spread to Vietnam and other countries, the US opposed the independence movement there. The US first began by financially supporting France in the first Indochina War. The French defeat in Dein Bien Phu led to a peace conference in Geneva. This conference resulted in splitting the former French colony Indochina into three separate countries, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Vietnam was divided at the 17th parallel into the Communist North and anti-Communist South. There was a plan for a nationwide election to unify North and South Vietnam. However, in 1956, South Vietnam backed by the US refused to hold the election. The US supported South Vietnam by sending 2,000 military advisors-which grew to over 16,000 by 1963. In 1960, the National Liberation Front (Viet Cong) began to attack the South Vietnamese government. After two attacks on U.S Navy vessels, the Gulf of Tokin Resolution was passed by the US Congress to give the US more powers to fight the war in Vietnam. The first US Combat troops were sent a year and a half after it was passed. In 1968 over 540,000 troops were in the countries of Vietnam. That same year the Viet Cong launched a massive surprise attack. This is now known as the â€Å"Tet Offensive†. This attack threatened the US’s position in South Vietnam. This had a huge impact on the outcome of the war. President Richard Nixon proposed the â€Å"Vietnamization† project. It gave South Vietnam more responsibility in fighting the war while still receiving American aid. The US would also provide air and naval support if necessary. In 1972 the Easter Offensive made people think if the policy was effective. They were suggesting that South Vietnam could not wage a full scale war against North Vietnam without the US’s full support. The 1970’s brought anti-war protests because Nixon tried to destroy the Viet Cong supply bases. In 1973, the war started to come to an end. The Paris Peace Accord was signed. This established a ceasefire and allowed the exchange of war prisoners. Also the withdrawal of US forces from Vietnam. This officially ends the US’s and its ally’s involvement in the Vietnam War. The US did still contribute monetarily to South Korea until its official ending in 1975. South Korea lost, and Vietnam was unified as one communist country. The Vietnam War not only changed how we fight, but it changed who we draft and length of the tour. In the Vietnam War the US learned a lot about jungle warfare. Towards the end the US got very proficient at it. Some historians believe that if the US would have kept the troops for four years instead of one the US would have gotten better quicker. They say that as soon as the troops got good, they were given the option to go home, which they did. The US also learned a lot about chemical warfare. The US learned how it affects the surrounding people. The US also learned how people in their own country felt about it. The war also changed our drafting system. The US in now on a volunteer basis. The Vietnam had many deaths on both sides and it has affected the world forever. â€Å"Pearl Harbor† Early morning on December 7th, 1941, the Japanese launched a surprise torpedo attack on the US Naval Base Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. The following day President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered a speech to the American citizens. This speech was informing the people that this all happened during the midst of talks to keep peace. That same day America entered WWII. Pearl Harbor held a 22,000 acre naval base. Admiral Husband E. Kimmel of the Navy and Lt. General Walter C. Short of the Army were in command of the fleet and troops on the ground the day of the attack. The majority of the Pacific area’s military commands were headquartered there because of growing apprehensions regarding an aggressive Japanese presence. Since the Japanese wanted to expand their territory and power, they had to search for natural resources. America was a likely target. America was a barrier between Java’s oil fields and the Japanese fleets. Also with America around, Japan could not conduct military strategies against the Netherlands and territories of the United Kingdom. Early on in the morning on December 7th, 1941, Japanese planes attacked about thirty-three American ships on orders of Vice-Admiral Chuichi Nagumo. America sustained a loss of one hundred seventy aircrafts that morning as well as eighteen ships. Three thousand seven hundred Americans lost their lives in one day but only very few Japanese died. Pearl Harbor changed America because it brought us to join WWII. This decision had an impact on who won the war. Who knows, if the US didn’t join the war we could all be speaking German or Japanese right now. This also led to the use of the first and last detonation of a nuclear bomb in warfare. So there are definitely pros and cons to Pearl Harbor. The loss of all the men in the attack was horrible, but if that never happened Hitler might have won. All in all, these events changed the course of history. The Great Depression taught us a lesson about how to handle stocks and money. It also gave us hope and brought us together as a country. The Vietnam War showed us how to fight jungle warfare. It also showed us the effects of chemical warfare (years after the Vietnam War). Pearl Harbor brought us to the very important decision to join WWII. For better or worse America is what it today because of these things.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Effects of South West Monsoon (SWM) on Cloud Cover and Shape

Effects of South West Monsoon (SWM) on Cloud Cover and Shape INTRODUCTION An investigation of the cloud shape stability and the cloud covering is presented on the immediate pre and post south-west monsoon (SWM) commencement. The study focuses on Sri Lankan region bounded by longitude 700E-950E latitude 00-200N during the months April, May June in the years 2012 and 2013. Monsoon onset is a remarkably abrupt event and has established the criterion to determine the onset date which is noticeably controversial and a complicated issue. The prime aim of this paper is to understand the vagaries of the cloud dynamics on the before, inception after the SW monsoon and the analysis are carried out purely based on the computer based image processing rather than chemical physical processes. Cloud shape stability which is determined by the pixel orientation based on the neighbourhood begins to drop in April-May and remains in that low level in subsequent months of both years while cloud cover which is determined by the brightness of the pixel starts to go up in the same period and remains in that high level in the following months as well. The south-west (SW) monsoon brings somewhat organized heavy rainfall to Sri Lanka. The economy of the country is largely influenced by the SW monsoon because major industries such as agriculture and power generation are highly depended on rainfall. Therefore, studying the commencement of SW monsoon and its structure is significant. There is no universally accepted definition or criterion to determine the monsoon onset and previous studies exhibited considerable year to year variation of SW monsoon onset [1]. Further, the climate system is a highly uncertain dynamical system which involves large number of factors such as precipitation, temperature, outgoing long wave radiation, wind speed and direction, humidity etc. Monsoon is also an onset-active-break-revival life cycle phenomenon [11]. Therefore, the establishment of a criterion to determine the onset is a noticeably controversial and complicated task. Major monsoon area of the world exists in South and East Asia and the Indian Ocean monsoon interact with the South China Sea monsoon [10]. Most of the previous studies relating to the monsoon onset were based on wind, precipitation, outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR) and brightness temperature [1, 9, 11]. According to the summarization done by Wang et al from 1992 to 2001, only in one among seventeen (17) stud ies was involved with cloud data [1]. However, Wonsick et al document the seasonal progression of the Asian monsoon by analysing clouds and convection in the pre-peak and post-monsoon season [6]. Moreover, maximum cloud zone and the ITCZ (Inter Tropical Convergence Zone) over the Indian region during the SW monsoon was investigated by Sikka et al and it has been found that the two maximum cloud zones are present during June-September, one of 150N and the other of equatorial region [4]. Most of the monsoon studies based on clouds as well as other variables were highly pertinent to China and Indian region. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no or very little research have been done to investigate the monsoon commencement in Sri Lankan region using the cloud patterns. In addition to the monsoon studies, there are certain studies relating to clouds. Among those, identification of tracer clouds done by Nilanjan et al [7] and automated cloud classification done by Bryan et al [3] motivated us to study the seasonal c loud dynamics. Thirty minute interval cloud images were downloaded from the Images are taken from the Indian National Satellite System (INSAT) KALPANA 1 geostationary satellite. These images are derived from the emission by the earth and its atmosphere at thermal infrared wavelength of 10.5-12.5 Â µm and they cover the latitude range 100S-500N and the longitude range 450E – 1050E. The ground resolution at the sub satellite point is nominally 8 Km x 8 Km. Images are stored in the above web site as colour RGB JPEG format. Pixel resolution of the images is about 1200 x 1024 (72 dpi x 72 dpi) with 24bits depth including image header. The region bounded by the longitude 700E-950E and the latitude 00-200N extracted from the original image and the grey converted image is used for this study. This extracted bounded region provides a good coverage for the island of Sri Lanka. Moreover, this study investigates the cloud images from January 2012 to July 2013. Our objective of this research is to distinguish the strange behaviour of the clouds during the potential SW monsoon onset period. Sequel of this paper is as follows: next section describes the methodology followed by the results and discussion. The last section is allocated for a conclusions and recommendations. METHODOLOGY Local orientation which is used as a feature of a satellite image is a major contributor to determine the cloud shape life time. Local orientation which is also called the linear symmetry (LS) is characteristics by the least change of grey value in one direction and maximal change in the orthogonal direction [2,5]. Therefore, a linear symmetry tensor for an image is constructed with respect to the local neighbourhood for each pixel of the image. In this way, local symmetry tensors of the concerned bounded area of the 30 minute interval satellite images were constructed. By preserving the first image as the reference image, comparison takes place with its LS tensor and that of the subsequent images till the correlation drops below a specified threshold. In this study the threshold is 0.9. As long as this correlation of the subsequent image is higher than the threshold, is considered as the same cloud shape with the reference image. The time period until the drop of the correlation of the LS tensors below the threshold is considered as the life time of that particular cloud shape. This process was continued by taking the next immediate image as the new reference image and mean value of the life times is taken as the cloud shape life time for the particular day. In addition, the cloud cover was determined in the said area of the image using the feature of brightness of the pixel. If the pixel brightness is higher than the global threshold which is determined by the otsu’s method, it is considered as the cloudy pixel. As such the cloud cover area was calculated for the chosen area of image by counting the number of cloudy pixels. Similarly, the average was taken as the cloud cover of the particular day. Finally, the cloud shape life time and the cloud cover were analysed in the months of April, May and June which include the SW monsoon potential onset period [8, 10], of the years 2012 2013 which is presented in the following section. All calculations and analysis were done using the software MATLAB and Microsoft Excel. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION To look at the vagaries of the cloud dynamics in the immediate pre and post south-west monsoon commencement, monthly variation of cloud shape life time and cover from January 2012 to July 2013 are calculated and presented in figure 1 with the standard deviation. In both years, cloud shape stability life time start to drop in April-May and after the drop, this low level sustains during the entire peak monsoon period (June-September) in year 2012. Similar trend can be seen up to July in the year 2013. On the other hand, cloud cover starts to increase in same period and remains in that higher value during the whole peak period of monsoon in year 2012. Once again that trend can also be observed up to July 2013. According to the previous studies, Wang et al (2004), Wonsick et al (2009) and Tsing-Change Chen et al monsoon build up on average from 2nd week of May to 1st week of June[1, 6, 8, 10]. When we closely look at how a cloud behaves in this previously identified monsoon onset period, interestingly, we can see a remarkable change of behaviour in both cloud shape life time and the cloud cover occurred in the data considered for this study. First of all, highest cloud cover is increased by 48.56% than the previous day on May 19, 2012. Similarly in 2013, this happens on May 25 which is a 48.47% increase than the previous day. After goes up that high level of cloud cover is averagely 40 per cent or higher in 2013 while it is 40 per cent or higher in most of the days in 2012 remains till mid-June. This is shown in the figure 2. While cloud cover is increased on May 19 2012, the cloud shape stability time is strangely dropped by 51% on the same day when compared with that in the previous day. As shown in figure 3, after this drop the average low life time sustains till mid-June. For example, cloud shape life time of May 18, 19 and 20 are 12.42, 6.08 and 7.36 hours respectively and then it does not increase to a level as high as 12 hours. Similar behaviour can be observed in 2013 too. As higher cloud cover increased occurred on May 25, 2013, cloud shape life time brings to 6.42 hours on that day from 9.83 hours on previous day. This is a 34.75% drop which remains at that low life time as low as 5 hours up to mid-June. We can also see that the cloud shape life time drop occurred on May 20, 2013 by 37.66% than the previous day. However, the following day again it goes up by 50%. In addition, on May 28, 2013, once again we can observe the life time diminish by 38.98% but that drop brings 4.92 hours of life time on May 27 to 3.0 hours on May 28 which is not higher than 5.0 hours either of days and it is not a reasonably long run downward trend. Therefore, the life time drop occurred in May 25, 2013 is unusual. According to the literature, summer monsoon first appeared in South China Sea (SCS) and moves progressively northward [1]. The consistency between the above said dates and onset dates of the previous studies on south china sea and indian monsoon region are significant [1, 9]. In the literature, we can find a considerable amount of studies for defining onset of the monsoon. Some of them are based on multivariable. Certain studies have tried to define the onset using a single variable. However, resulting onset dates for some years were greatly divers because the choice of local variables are sensitivity to the region [1]. One of salient feature of most definitions is that a remarkable change the value of chosen factor or factors and sustains that value to some reasonable period. For instance, Wang et al define the South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon onset as an index of 850 hPazonal winds average over the central SCS (USCS) is positive and remains positive on subsequent days (3 pentads) with accumulating mean greater than one [1]. Moreover, according to Tsing Chen et al wind field and rainfall are other important widely used factors for determining the onset. Again, these factors reach a certain critical amount and sustain that value for some consecutive d ays which is adopted as the criterion of monsoon onset [10].Similarly, we are able to identify the remarkable change of cloud shape life time and the cloud amount and sustain that change a considerable number of days in the same fashion. conclusions/RECOMMENDATIONS In 2012, within the potential SW monsoon onset period of 2nd week of May to 1st week of June (according to the previous studies), highest cloud cover increase occurred on May 19 and it is 48.56% higher than the previous day. After it goes up it remains in that value of around 40 per cent most of the days till mid-June and averagely higher in the entire peak SW monsoon period (June-September). On the other hand, cloud shape stability on the same day is dropped by 51 per cent than the previous day. Again this is the highest drop within the monsoon onset potential period. Similarly after the cloud shape life time goes down, it remains till mid-June and mean value is as low as the same within the whole monsoon peak period. Similar observation can be seen in that period of 2013 too. Highest cloud cover increase of 48.47% than the previous day is occurred on 25th May, 2013 and it remains till mid-June at as high as 40%. Moreover, the cloud shape life time too behaves as same as the previou s year. When compared with the previous day it is dropped by 34.75% on 25th May and that this low value remains in subsequent days till mid-June. In the light of the above findings, there is a sound reason to explain that the level of cloud cover and their shape life time are good indicators for determining the arrival date of the SW monsoon. On the other hand determining the monsoon structure such as arrival and withdrawal date, break time and its strength is a challenging demand. In the future, we expect to develop the image processing tools for capturing the structural information of the satellite cloud images in order to describe and figure out weather patterns as well as monsoon. REFERENCES B. Wang, Linho, Yongsheng Zhang, and M. M. Lu, 2004: Definition of South China Sea Monsoon Onset and Commencement of the East Asia Monsoon, Journal of Climate, 17, 699-710 Bigun, J., Gosta, H. Grandlund, Optimal Orientation Detection of Linear Symmetry, 1987, Proceedings of the IEEE First International Conference of Computer Vision. London, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp 433-438 Bryan A Baum, Vasanth Tovinkere, Jay Titlow, and Ronald M Welch, 1997: Automated Cloud Classification of Global AVHRR Data Using a Fuzzy Logic Approach, Journal of Applied Meteorology, 36, 1519-1540 D. R. Sikka, and Sulochana Gadgil, 1980: On the Maximum Cloud Zone and the ITCZ over Indian Longitudes during the Southwest monsoon, Monthly Weather Review, 1840-1853 H. L. Premaratne and J Bigun, 2002: Recognition of Printed Sinhala Characters Using Linear Symmetry, The 5th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Melbourne, Australia, 23-25 January 2002 Margaret M Wonsick, Rachel T Pinker and Yves Govaerts, 2009: Cloud Variability over the Indian Monsoon Region as Observed from Satellites, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 48, 1803-1821 Nilanjan Ray, Dipti Prasad Mukherjee and Jyotirmoy Das, 1999: Identification of Tracer Clouds: A Shape-based Approach, Current Science, 76, 916-923 S. Ramanayake, Lareef Zubair, and H. B. Nayakekorala, 1998: Week of Onset and Withdrawal of the Southwest Monsoon in Sri Lanka, SLAAS annual conference 54:251-252, December 1998 Tsing Change Chen and Ming Cheng Yen, 1994: Interannual Variation of the Indian Monsoon Simulated by the NCAR Community Climate Model: Effect of the Tropical Pasific SST, Journal of Climate, 7, 1403-1415 Tsing Change Chen and Jau-Ming Chen, 1995: An Observational Study of the South China Sea Monsoon during the 1979 Summer: Onset and Life Cycle, Monthly Weather Review, 123, 2295-2318 Tsing Change Chen, Ren Yow Tzeng and Ming Cheng Yen, 1988: Development and Life Cycle of the Indian Monsoon: Effect of the 30-50 Day Oscillation, Monthly Weather Review, 116, 2183-2199

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Our Concept of Time Essay -- Existence Creation Essays

Our Concept of Time If our perception of time can successfully be challenged, the implications are huge. The story of evolution, which is supported by our observations and is largely becoming accepted as truth, conflicts with most religious stories. The story of evolution, like many other scientific stories, is changing the story of religion. If God did not really create the earth in seven days, the days must be symbolic or represent time on a different scale. If God did not create the human species in the beginning and designate us to rule the earth, perhaps he set the ball rolling, knowing what was to come.* The story told by religion seems to be accommodating more and more to the story of evolution. Do these stories have to be mutually exclusive? Both stories are embedded in time. They are explanations of our existence based on history. An explanation outside of time is the only way that I can understand the supernatural to coexist with the natural, without denying facts or excessively accommodating for them. Can we think of an answer to the great question, "Why are we here?" without explaining it in terms of time? Can we even ask the question without wondering "Where did we come from? How did we get here?" or similar questions bounding our reality within time? Can we think of any story outside of time? This is a huge question that I do not pretend to be able to answer. But, through an exploration of our understanding and use of the concept of time, I hope to confuse our conception. It may be hard to truly imagine breaking the confines of time until we gain a better understanding by emerging ourselves in it, questioning it, and messing it up. Before we examine the possibility of a story told outside of time, it is ... ...time as a directional course of moments. Time is headed in a direction because we are. Time does seem to be upheld by reality. Most things that occur can happen in reverse order. Thermodynamics by "law" cannot. The second law of thermodynamics states that systems tend to a state of higher disorder. Obviously, this tendency is a tendency over time. Perhaps this increasing disorder is the basis of our understanding of time. But disorder depends on perspective. If we look at a single particle, disorder, and consequently time, are irrelevant if not imaginary. Therefore, it is not reality, but only our picture of reality which requires time. I do not have an answer to the conflict of the two stories we tell within our concept of time, but it is helpful to keep time in perspective, and to continue to play with it in order to change the reality that we understand.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Comparing Of mice and men to the hunger games

It's a bit like the Hunger Games as they need ACH other as allies to survive. They would help each other and because Curlers wife knelt down beside him it's like she sees him as one of her own, like they are on the same level power wise. Will return to this image later on in my essay. We have been introduced to Curlers wife as the libertine featherbrain by the males on the ranch â€Å"Jesus what a tramp [George to Leonie]†the boys don't personally know her yet they are all prejudging her of her looks and the way she acts. This shows that the only way she has the power over the men is sexually.Not even Curler takes her seriously. She mess lonely and only wants to talk to the men so that she can relate to them and find a friend. The reason why the men would judge her so much is due to sexual frustration that is caused by her. This could also link back to the sass's as women we meant to just look pretty and pleasure their men. Not only that, they were seen to have no rights to th emselves. They couldn't vote, couldn't go off on their own, they had to marry the first man that asks and do his dirty washing for the rest of their lives.In Of Mice and Men, Curlers wife was viewed as † jail bait† this basically means that she's a trap that's being fished onto all of the men and trying to catch one unlucky sap to say he forced himself upon her. This could lead to being fired or being lynched. In the sass's all you needed to do was touch a women's dress and she could say you penetrated her and get you lynched in front of the whole town. This shows that the male characters were scared and threatened by Curlers wife due to her power of getting them killed or tortured.You've got to remember that these men were in an all-male society and this one woman comes in and to all these men she comes across like she's purposely sexually frustrating them. This could link back to power as it shows that the men on the ranch are weak when it comes to sexual tension. It c ould show how little they think of themselves. Another way that we know they are sexually closed up or more like insecure. All the males go to a ‘Where house† at the end of each month. The fact that they go to women who do it for a living and are paid to pleasure the males no matter what they look or are like on the inside.This shows that the males could be shy and insecure about intercourse. It doesn't show much emotion and the girls don't need to personally feel a connection between homeless and the clients. Just think of it like the end of the first hunger games; Jennifer Lawrence established a fake romance with Josh Hucksters to survive. Metaphorically, the prostitutes are Jennifer Lawrence as they are doing whatever they can to survive and it's just so happened that they could only get work in the ‘Hover house†.The males are josh Hucksters as they are weak and are supported in some way by the prostitutes. They are supporting the guys on the ranch by lett ing them release all of the sexual anger that builds up due to Curler's wife. The more you hear about it the more it comes clear that the men on the ranch are assumed to been seen as the lowest of normal society's power show. Although most characters have no recognized social power because of their low social class; they all try to absorb the little power each other has.For example; Crooks' nasty strike on Leonie is the best example upon this statement. â€Å"Expose George don't come back no more [Crooks to Leonie)†. Crooks was taking his knowledge and Lien's vulnerability and tried to seem more powerful. They are both outcasts drawn by people who tell them what to do; â€Å"yes ma'am† Crooks eying this to Curlers wife as it shows that she is the boss over him. Ma'am is used formally as the other guys on the ranch refer to her as â€Å"Curlers wife†. This show that Crook is powerless compared to her. She is holding the reins and Crooks is the horse.A horse is se emed to be a free beautiful creature but they are controlled by others showing that they aren't quite the same power as the rider but when they are by themselves they are the most powerful creatures around. This could represent crooks amazing as he is extremely powerful its only the color of his skin that hold him back. Like most colored people in the 1 ass's. Going back to the statement that previously wrote; while Leonie breaks the segregation rule of the sass's Crooks is feeling like it's his right to be the most powerful person in the room.Although he is colored it is also his â€Å"shed house†. It was the one place where he could be himself without having the pressure of society on his shoulders. Although you could argue that that Crooks having his own separate â€Å"shed house† is automatically reminding people of the society in the 1 ass's, but it is the one place you could see him happy. Compared to all the men living in the bunk souse he is living in a palace! His living conditions are so much better than the bunk house. He gets personal possessions. No one in the bunk house seems to have meaningful possessions but crooks does.Crooks has a whole room all to himself. It gives him some entitlement and a hope for some power. It gives off the power as he is the only person in the â€Å"shed house† it will only be disrupted when white people walk into his house. Like Leonie did. He was only fighting for his power like any person would if they felt intimidated in their own home. During the sass's if there was one slight thing rung with you; you would be viewed as an outcast. If you were mentally or physically disabled they would chain you up in a mental institution.If you were colored but mainly black they would lynch you for the color of your skin. You would be looked down on for the special qualities that made you. What IM trying to say is that everyone desperately wanted to fit in to society and be what was observed to be normal. The re are many ways this is translated in the book. Id personally have to say that the best way to show this in the book is the conversation Crooks and Leonie shared when Leonie kook away Crook's privacy when he entered his home; ‘ ‘They II take hay to the booby hatch †¦Tie you up with a collar like a dog' this shows that Steinbeck wanted everyone to know what would happen to the people who were unfortunate enough to be pushed to the bottom of the barrel. Booby hatch refers to a mental institution. Full of people who were looked upon as America's sins. It isn't a very pleasant thing to say but it was honest and that would've been quite lucky for Leonie and even Crooks! If Crooks stepped one foot out of line he would've been lynched for a fact! It goes on about saying hat they will tie him up with a collar like a dog; this gives us the impression of Leonie being pinned down like he has done something wrong.When in fact he hasn't done anything wrong. Once again this also links back to power when you see that dogs are pets, pets are meant to obey their owners. The owners being the powerful one in the situation. Leonie being the metaphoric dog shows that he has no power, he has to be the one to bow down. He is presumed to be the mute of the society on the ranch. In conclusion; people in Of Mice and Men were treated with abuse and prejudice. Most people were/ loud react differently depending on how they were treated; but they had to take it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Music, Math, and Science for Preschoolers Essays

Music, Math, and Science for Preschoolers Essays Music, Math, and Science for Preschoolers Essay Music, Math, and Science for Preschoolers Essay Music, Math, and Science! By Mary Cocoa Children learn concepts and develop through hands-on experiences. They learn to observe, question and be curious about their inside and outside environment. When children are encouraged to experiment and discover new things they acquire new concepts and new ideas which they transfer to other areas of development. Planned activities that explore music, math, and science can teach children many concepts and help them develop all domains. Children learn about music concepts by participating in activities that allow them to be active participants, stimulate their ND playing drums. For this activity you will need coffee cans, paper, stickers, crayons, glue, and tape. To begin this activity have children decorate a coffee can. Once they have personalized their drum gather them on the carpet. Tell the children to bang their drums with their hands, then say stop. Play a little game of stop and go with them so they have time to experiment with the drum. When the children are quiet tell them that you want them to play their drum quietly and then loud, quiet and loud. Then fast and slow. Then ask them to keep their drums quiet and listen to you sing and drum. Sing a simple song and keep the beat, then ask the children to play and sing with you. This activity can be done with any age! The developmental goals for this activity are: Physically fine motor skills will be developed when decorating the can and gross motor skills will be developed when playing the drum. Social/Emotional The children will have conversation when making and playing the drums. They will have to share and ask others for things when making the drum. And they will sing and feel emotions while playing the drum. Cognitively They are learning about sound patterns, opposites, movement, beats, memory, and rhythm. Language The children are communicating and signing. I implemented this activity with my class of 4 year olds. First off they were very excited to show me the coffee can they brought from home. They talked about the size Look at this really, really big can Miss A! or where they got it from My Grandma Kay has been saving this for a me. She drinks a lot of coffee with Grandpa Steve! Then we decorated the cans which involved lots of communication with their peers l like your drum or Can I have a ladybug sticker? Peeling the back off the stickers really worked their fine motor skills. The children were very proud of their drums (emotional development) and as soon as they were done they would make their way to the carpet to play them. Once everyone was gathered on the carpet I told everyone to stop (l had to wave my hands arou nd to get everyones attention! ) and then I said go and stop and go and stop! The children thought this was a funny game. I also noticed some children turning their drum sideways and upside down. This experimentation with the drum was building cognitive and physical development. Then I asked the children to play their drums quietly and then I asked hem what the opposite of quiet was LOUD. We also played fast and slow which built cognitive and physical development. Lastly, I asked the children to listen to me sign one of our class songs and watch me play my drum. Friends, friends, we all need friends. Friends stick together you squeeze. Friends, friends, we all need friends. Good friends like you and meme! I had the children Join me and after about 5-6 times signing the song the majority of the children were beating the drum to the beat! I feel this activity supported all the developmental domains. Through leaned activities children can learn about math concepts such as; color, shapes, sizes, counting, comparing, sorting/matching, sequencing, counting, and math vocabulary. An example of a complete math a ctivity would be a nature walk/ scavenger hunt. The developmental goal for this activity is to learn how to compare, classify, and sort. For this activity you will need; large plastic drinking cups that are hole punched on each side and strung with pipe cleaners for handles, colored paper, walk and they are allowed to put anything in their basket that they find. When you turn from your walk have the children sit at the tables and put different colored paper on the table (you will use these to sort). Then ask the children to dump out their baskets and see what they found. Ask the children if anyone found a stick and if they did to put it on the yellow paper. Then ask if anyone found a rock and if they did, to put it on the red paper and so on. Once you have sorted all the items have the children visually guess which paper has the most and least on it, then count the items. This activity can be done with ages 3 and up. The developmental goals for his activity are: Physically fine motor skills will be developed pinching and grasping the nature items and gross motor skills will be developed while walking. Social/ Emotional The children will have many conversations with each other while they are on a walk and communicate when sorting the items. They will have to share and cooperate with their peers. Cognitively They are learning about nature, counting, sorting/matching, classification, color, shapes, sizes, comparing, and math vocabulary (most and least). Language The children will communicate with one another. You can also write the word of what the item is you are sorting on the paper. This way the children learn the word with the associated item. I implemented this activity with my 4 year old preschoolers. When I gave everyone a bucket they were so excited l going to find the most stuff and We can pick up anything? Thats so cool! Then we were off for a walk. I think we got 3 steps out the door before some children were already picking things up and putting them in their bucket. I realized by the time we had made it half a block that a walk was not the best idea because we topping all the time , so I stopped the children and told them that we would walk to the big green space and that they could fill their baskets there. Once at the field I released the children to run freel y and gather nature items. And run they did! (physical development) They filled their buckets in less than 5 minutes. Then we walked back to the school. Once we were back at the school we dumped out the baskets and began sorting. (cognitive development) I noticed that a few children did not want to sort as a group and they were not adding their items to the papers. I eave these children a paper that I drew sections on and asked them to sort their own items (emotional development). I had the children guess which paper had the most and the least and then we counted them. (cognitive language development) The children loved this activity!! The room was buzzing with conversation! The children were comparing items to other items, and some children were even using the items to make people (we have been doing a lot of person drawing lately. Cognitive development). This activity went on for quite a while and then a child asked if she could get some glue and make a picture. I agreed that was a great idea and we all made nature collages. Planned science activities can also help children develop concepts such as observing, predicting, reflecting, and problem solving. Science experiments help children become aware of the world around them, experiment with materials within their space, start to question and compare findings, and use information to test their understanding in new situations. (BBC, Learner notes) An example of a complete science activity is the chemical reaction of baking soda and vinegar. The developmental goal for this activity is to learn how to predict what will ill need; 2 clear Jars, water, vinegar, baking soda, pipettes, baking sheets, and food coloring. First gather the children around a table and show them the 2 Jars. Pour half a cup of baking soda into both Jars. Then ask them to predict what will happen if you pour water into the Jar. Then pour the water in and mix it. Then show them the vinegar and ask them to predict what will happen when you add it to the second Jar. Will the same thing happen? Then pour the vinegar in and watch the childrens shocked faces! Ask them why the Jars did different things. After you get few answers ask them what was different about the Jars. Then tell them that the reason the second Jar was all bubbly was because something called a chemical reaction happened between the vinegar and the baking soda. Then tell them that you want them to make chemical reactions too. Give each child a baking sheet covered with baking soda, a pipette, and a small container filled with colored vinegar. Have the children pick up the pipettes fill it with vinegar and squirt it on the baking soda cookie sheet. Let the fun begin! This activity can be done with ages 3 and up. The developmental goals for this activity are: Physically fine motor skills will be plopped pinching and grasping the pipettes. Social/Emotional The children will have many conversations with each other while during the class experiment and when they squeeze the pipettes. Cognitively They are learning about observing, predicting, reflecting, problem solving and colors. Language The children will communicate with one another and learn new vocabulary such as predict, observe, and chemical reaction. I implemented this activity with my 4 year old preschoolers. I gathered them around the table and told them we were going to be scientists and scientists do something called experiments. And the reason they do experiments is because when you dont know the answer to something you do an experiment to figure out the things that you dont know. I took the Jugs of water and vinegar around and let the children smell them. They did not like the vinegar smell. LOL! Then I showed them the two Jars and showed them the baking soda box We have that stuff in the fridge! said one girl. I poured half a cup into each Jar and then asked them to predict what would happen if I added water to the baking soda Its going to go BOOM said a boy. IA, or turn green! Said another boy. Those are very good prediction boys (language development) I said lets see and I poured the water in the jar. To the childrens disappointment it did nothing then I mixed the mixture with a spoon and a little girl said Look its all white in there? I said to the kids So when I added the water nothing happened and then I mixed it up and the water turned a little bit white. Can you predict what will happen when I put smelly vinegar in the Jar with the baking soda? The same boys replied It will go BOOM! aim, and turn green too! I started to pour the vinegar into the Jar slowly and it bubbled! The children were amazed! Do it again! they said. So I did and then I asked them why this Jar bubbled and the other Jar didnt? What was different about the two Jars? That yucky stuff said a little girl (cognitive development). Miss, your right I said Good reflection! I told the children that when I mixed the baking soda with the water nothing happened because there was no chemical reaction. But when I mixed the smelly vinegar with the baking soda it bubbled because it made a chemical reaction gather (language development).